Pate a Choux #1

Rising from the depths of a cold caught in Seattle a week ago, I decided to try my luck at baking pate a choux, the basis for pastries such as creme puffs or eclairs. I found several recipes and decided on one from The Kitchn ( I made small profiteroles with pastry cream (recipe also from The Kitchn) instead of ice cream. My execution of this recipe produced a nice flaky, although not fully risen pastries which were easily filled with pastry cream and dipped in a hardening ganache. The mini eclairs I piped on the same sheet did not rise at all and were discarded.First Pate a Choux 2

I tried a second recipe which used one baking temperature for baking, finishing and drying. These did not rise nearly as well as The Kitchn recipe.

While the shape was less than ideal, the flavor was excellent. Trying again next weekend. The shape as to be the result of having too much or too little water in the batter prior to baking. The water turns to steam which “inflates” the dough.